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Yoga Immersion Course
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07:00 Meditation - Introduction to Meditation - Anapanasati (Sergio) (24:05)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Course intro and Surya Namaskar Classic (Christiaan) (49:31)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - A short history of Yoga (Alex) (35:06)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Mantra, 3 Part Breath (Akari) (90:28)
07:00 Meditation - Mindfulness of Breathing Introduction to the First Tetrad (Sergio) (29:35)
07.30 Hatha Yoga - Warm ups (Karen) (87:28)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Foundations of Yoga Philosophy - Samkhya (Alex) (49:45)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Pranayama Foundation, Nadi Shodana (Christiaan) (83:46)
07:00 Meditation- Mindfulness of Breathing First Tetrad (Sergio) (28:56)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Gunas: Three qualities of Nature (Alex) (39:25)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Movement concepts and the foundation of Asana (Karen) (73:10)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Standing Asana, Nadi Shodana Pranayama (Christiaan) (81:20)
07:00 Meditation - Mindfulness of Breathing First Tetrad (Sergio) (28:13)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Principles of Backbends (Karen) (92:59)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Pancha Kosha (Alex) (55:45)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Mantra, Uddiyana Bandha, Japa (Akari) (95:33)
07:00 Meditation - Mindfulness of Breathing Introduction to the Second Tetrad (Sergio) (27:56)
07:30 Vinyasa Yoga - Shoulder stands, Ujjayi breath (Akari) (89:13)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - A brief overview of the Yoga Sutras (Alex) (44:09)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Sama Vritti Pranayama (Christiaan) (92:47)
07:00 Meditation - Steps 1-8, Second Tetrad, Contemplation of sensations (Sergio) (29:11)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Transitions (Karen) (90:58)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Kleshas (Alex) (51:04)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Maha Yoga Pranayama (Christiaan) (90:01)
07:00 Meditation - Steps 1-8, Second Tetrad, Contemplation of sensations (Sergio) (28:23)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Gentle Morning Asana (Christiaan) (95:59)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Yamas (Alex) (63:21)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Kapalabhati Pranayama (Akari) (89:56)
07:00 Meditation - Steps 1-8, Second Tetrad, Contemplation of sensations (Sergio) (28:48)
07:30 Vinyasa Yoga - Twists and Inversions (Karen) (89:44)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Niyamas (Alex) (41:34)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Sheetali Pranayama (Christiaan) (101:51)
07:00 Meditation - Contemplation of the Mind / Thoughts (Sergio) (28:12)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Sthira Sukham Asanam (Christiaan) (89:32)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Asana, Pranayama & Pratyahara (Alex) (40:54)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Sitkarin Pranayama (Akari) (86:53)
DAY 10
07:00 Meditation - Contemplation of the Mind / Thoughts (Sergio) (28:49)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Balance and Moon Salutations (Karen) (89:16)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi (Alex) (49:32)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Bhramari Pranayama (Akari) (94:21)
DAY 11
07:00 Meditation - Contemplation of the Mind / Thoughts (Sergio) (28:59)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Mula Bandha in Antara Kumbhaka (Akari) (93:27)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Samskaras and Liberation (Alex) (36:12)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Surya Namaskar Classic, Maha Yoga Pranayama (Christiaan) (78:19)
DAY 12
07:00 Meditation - Contemplation of the Mind / Thoughts (Sergio) (29:17)
07:30 Vinyasa Yoga - Astanga (Karen) (82:01)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Tantra Yoga: Vision and Basic Terms (Alex) (41:35)
16:00 Restorative Yoga - Tapping into the Relaxation Response (Astrid) (94:47)
DAY 13
07:00 Meditation - Contemplation of Processes (Sergio) (29:30)
07:30 Vinyasa Yoga - Heart and Hip Openers + Ujjayi Breath (Karen) (91:19)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Tantra Yoga: Chakras (Alex) (62:53)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Padma Mudra and Padmasana (Akari) (92:05)
DAY 14
07:00 Meditation - Contemplation of Processes (Sergio) (29:19)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Meditative Hatha Sequence (Christiaan) (91:59)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Hatha Yoga Pradipika (Alex) (57:06)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Integrating Dhyana in Hatha (Akari) (93:13)
DAY 15
07:00 Meditation - Contemplation of Processes (Sergio) (28:50)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Ujjayi Pranayama (Christiaan) (100:59)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Laya Yoga and Nada Yoga (Alex) (50:02)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Yoga Nidra (Akari) (85:46)
DAY 16
07:00 Meditation - Contemplation of Processes (Sergio) (29:19)
07:30 Vinyasa Yoga - Forward Bends, Core and Arm Balances (Karen) (92:40)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Six Realms of Existence (Alex) (57:30)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Peak Pose: Sirsasana (Akari) (99:06)
DAY 17
07:00 Meditation - Anapanasati steps 1-16 (Sergio) (30:23)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Standing Asana Sequence, Pigeon, Ujjayi Pranayama (Christiaan) (78:05)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Bhagavad Gita Part 1 (Alex) (53:41)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Integrative Hatha Practice (Akari) (98:36)
DAY 18
07:00 Meditation - Anapanasati steps 1-16 (Sergio) (30:23)
07:30 Vinyasa Yoga - Budokon-inspired Slow Flow (Karen) (86:30)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Bhagavad Gita Part 2 (Alex) (50:09)
16:00 Yin Yoga - The Functional Approach (Astrid) (102:20)
DAY 19
07:00 Meditation - Anapanasati steps 1-16 (Sergio) (30:23)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Standing Sequence, Nadi Shodana and Sama Vritti Pranayama (Christiaan) (87:54)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - Synthesis and Final Review (Alex) (55:04)
16:00 Hatha Yoga - Final Class - Integration (Akari) (94:39)
DAY 20
07:00 Meditation - Anapanasati steps 1-16 (Sergio) (30:23)
07:30 Vinyasa Yoga - Hanuman Flow (Karen) (88:25)
10:00 Yoga Philosophy - The Business of Yoga (Alex) (36:28)
16:00 Yin Yoga - The Subtle Energy Approach (Astrid) (94:47)
07:30 Hatha Yoga - Sthira Sukham Asanam (Christiaan)
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